Sunday, February 24, 2019Baby Boomers - adults born between 1946 and 1964 - are famous for their frugality. Baby Boomers were raised by Greatest Generation parents to think that another Great Depression was around the corner. Yet, growing up in 20th Century, America provided unprecedented economic security and opportunities. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, January 23, 2019Nobody wishes to file a car insurance claim while within winter or within a storm. Yet, accidents increase during this season. Being a safe driver might help minimize this particular specific results. It might also save you on your automobile insurance. Consider these safe-driver hints. READ MORE >>
Sunday, December 23, 2018Flooding could be catastrophic for many property owners. A cracked water line may cause thousands of dollars' worth of loss within a couple of minutes. Your furniture could very well ruin. Often, when furniture becomes wet from flood waters of any type, it is not possible to clean and restore. READ MORE >>
Saturday, November 24, 2018Below are some shocking numbers. Between 2011 and 2014, 200,000 accidents transpired on US roads due to debris, in accordance with AAA. This led in 500 people perishing and 39,000 injured. Sometimes, car insurance may help pay for the expense. However, if a rock hits your window, who's covered? READ MORE >>
Wednesday, October 24, 2018A tire blow out is when your tire suddenly goes flat – typically occurring while driving. When it does occur, you may want to pull over. You will need to get the vehicle repaired properly. Most of that time period, you also have to get the job done with your automobile insurance company to determine whether you have coverage for the cost of new tire. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, May 10, 2017If you’re responsible for a portion, if not all of your health insurance costs, you are well aware of the price tag that comes with the territory. While you can take the easy way out and sign up for the cheapest and most streamlined health insurance policy, you could end up contributing to your out-of-pocket costs considerably. READ MORE >>
Friday, April 7, 2017A report just released by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) puts a $277 billion price tag on the economic costs of traffic crashes in the United States in 2010, a 20 percent increase over its 2000 data. The economic costs are equivalent to approximately $897 for every person living in the U. READ MORE >>
Friday, March 31, 2017If your husband or wife drives up with a brand new dent on the car, you might not get the truth about what happened. Some 35% of spouses admitted to dinging the family car, then telling their loved one that someone else did it, according to a new survey by the insurance website READ MORE >>
Friday, March 24, 2017Life insurance is kind of like the Rodney Dangerfield of financial planning. As one of most people’s least favorite financial topics, it gets no respect. Yet, it’s something that almost everyone needs and not having it when you need it can be devastating to your family’s well being. READ MORE >>
Friday, March 17, 2017Should you buy inflation protection for long-term care insurance? Absolutely. In fact, if you don’t think you can afford that extra coverage, you should probably rethink whether you should buy the insurance at all. READ MORE >>
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